Sunday, 14 February 2010

Over Engineering

I recently came across an article entitled "The Complicators Gloves" which demonstrates how easy it is to fall into the trap of over engineering a solution. It reminded of a story I was told last year whilst visiting the Kennedy Space Centre about how NASA required a pen that would write in space in the 1960's. They spent millions of dollars developing many prototypes and the requisite technology to push ink in a zero gravity environment. After several years they finally had a functioning pen.

The Russians when faced with a similar problem used a pencil.

The space pen story is untrue by the way but both of these stories demonstrate how when presented with a particular set of requirements, software engineers can make unnecessary assumptions that over complicate a solution and ultimately lead to a failed project.

It's a lesson we take seriously at altFusion. In four years we've never failed to deliver a project, and we do this by sticking to an age old rule. KISS.

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